Frequently Asked Questions…
Q: Who teaches the classes and what are their qualifications?
A: All of our teachers are certified licensed teachers in the state of Colorado and are highly qualified in their subject area. But best of all – they love teaching and love kids. We specifically look for teachers that are passionate, creative, and enthusiastic about teaching their subject area.
Q: Do I still need to submit a letter of intent to my school district?
A: Yes. We encourage you to continue to maintain your home-schooling presence with your local school district and submit a letter of intent to them. You may also fill out the online intent to homeschool form through APS (our parent district)
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Nothing! There is no registration fee and no tuition. The program is publicly funded by your tax dollars. Our PTO account ask for an optional $25 per student activity fee to fund the extra fun stuff throughout the year.
Q: How much does the curriculum cost?
A: Options provides any curriculum needed for any classes we offer. Through our APS book room, most curriculum is checked out at no cost for the year. Consumables (the part of the curriculum you write in) must be purchased and cannot be returned once they are ordered. Book are ordered each May for the upcoming year. Students in grades K-1 get two consumables free. Check out the curriculum offered on the Curriculum page of this website.
Q: Do I have to use your curriculum? I have something else I already use that I really like.
A: Yes and no. If you select a class that has a required text, you must use that text for that class. Otherwise you are free to select any curriculum you would like to use at home. Our curriculum is offered to you as a service and you are in no way obligated to use it.
Q: Do my children have to come all day?
A: Yes. All students must be enrolled for the full day in order to participate in Options.
Q: My family travels a lot. Can we still do that if we are part of OPTIONS?
A: Yes, you can. We respect your home school freedom to schedule your year as you see fit for your family. Please let us know when you are going to be absent and make sure to make arrangements with teachers for any classes you are going to miss, so your student doesn’t get behind.